Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31

Athletic pursuits:

Ten Years of Blogging

Your blogger missed it.
An alert reader reminded me that my very first blog entry
was March 10, 2010. Thanks for the heads up!
For the record, this is my 2,540th post.
1,672,100 readers from 220 countries have visited this blog 6,341,275 times. Not that I'm counting or anything.

The most reader-requested categories are spanking and frat.
My personal favorites are frot and nips.
Some tan lines are in there, too.

Readers from the Vatican have visited
this blog 33 times. I know what they're up to,
and it has nothing to do with a rosary.

Nearly 500 gay or bisexual men
have been featured with biographical posts.
493 to be exact.

I get many responses to these.
My favorite was from the son of Howard Hughes,
who threatened to sue me.
Howard Hughes had no children.

Second-most favorite was a demand from
an unidentified "spokesperson"
for gay country music performer Josey Greenwell,
ordering me to take down my post. The next day
I read that he was rebranding himself as a straight man,
in an effort to restart his singing career.
Changed his moniker to Nate Green.
Second attempt failed more spectacularly than the first.
Now he's a NYC fitness instructor. Josey Greenwell again.
Guess he can sing a country tune while you lift.
His recent online quotes consist
of a flurry of run-on sentences and split infinitives.
Not a mean bone in my body.
By the way, that post is still up from November 29, 2011.

Your blogger has seen a thing or two.

Thank you, gentlemen,
for visiting my home in the blogosphere.


  1. Well, congratulations, dude!! I'm sorry I discovered you so recently. (My fave posts are spanking and jeans).

  2. Thanks for your comment. Well, you can click on those sidebar categories: 1,068 posts feature jeans and 253 feature spanking.
    -- your blogger.

  3. Terry:
    I have been following you for years. You have shared so much!
    Thank You! And here's to another 10 years!
    Salt Lake City, Utah
